- June 2024
- Neurology: Clinical Practice
Enhancing Value and Well-Being: The Basket of Motivators Framework for Aligning Neurology Clinical Practices with Performance Outcomes
By: Peter N. Hadar, Susanna Gallani and Lidia Moura
Physician burnout, which is prevalent in neurology, has accelerated in recent years. While multifactorial, a major contributing factor to burnout is a payment model that rewards volume over quality, leaving physicians overburdened and unfulfilled. The aim of this review was to investigate ways of reducing burnout while improving quality-based outcomes in a value-based health care model.
Hadar, Peter N., Susanna Gallani, and Lidia Moura. "Enhancing Value and Well-Being: The Basket of Motivators Framework for Aligning Neurology Clinical Practices with Performance Outcomes." Neurology: Clinical Practice 14, no. 1 (June 2024).