- March 2024
By: Mitchell Weiss
The game was built to accompany "Storrowed": A Generative AI Exercise, available through Harvard Business Publishing. The game adds a timing element to "Storrowed" and enables the teacher to reward teams for strong prompts or penalize teams for believing AI "hallucinations". This game can simply be run by opening this .html file in a browser.
The game features three trucks that will hit a bridge in 30 minutes. The object of the game is to avoid hitting the bridge. Each truck represents a different team.
The instructor can spare the truck 10 seconds by clicking on its "Reverse" button as a reward for strong prompts and speed the truck ahead 10 seconds by clicking on its "Accelerate" button as a penalty for believing hallucinations.
If a truck hits the bridge, its team loses, and the game is over for them.
The game features three trucks that will hit a bridge in 30 minutes. The object of the game is to avoid hitting the bridge. Each truck represents a different team.
The instructor can spare the truck 10 seconds by clicking on its "Reverse" button as a reward for strong prompts and speed the truck ahead 10 seconds by clicking on its "Accelerate" button as a penalty for believing hallucinations.
If a truck hits the bridge, its team loses, and the game is over for them.
Weiss, Mitchell. "'Storrowed'." Harvard Business School Simulation 824-714, March 2024.