- 2022
- Handbook on the Business of Sustainability
Sustainability Science and Corporate Cleanup in Community Fields: The Translation, Resistance and Integration Process Model
By: P. Devereaux Jennings, Maggie Cascadden and Andrew J. Hoffman
Both practically and theoretically, the sustainability science and corporate operation perspectives often diverge. Overcoming this divergence requires some degree of engagement with organizational field members; not just negotiation, but on-the-ground process work to jointly build understanding, create new practices, and monitor outcomes. A key piece of this process work is around making sustainability science intelligible to managers and other stakeholders and making managerial and operational concerns intelligible to scientists in the lab and the field. Our chapter elaborates translation, resistance, integration (T-R-I) model from both viewpoints using field specific example, informed by organizational sustainability research.
Jennings, P. Devereaux, Maggie Cascadden, and Andrew J. Hoffman. "Sustainability Science and Corporate Cleanup in Community Fields: The Translation, Resistance and Integration Process Model." Chap. 12 in Handbook on the Business of Sustainability: The Organization, Implementation, and Practice of Sustainable Growth, edited by Gerard George, Martine Haas, Havovi Joshi, Anita McGahan, and Paul Tracey, 214–231. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022.