- 2024
- HBS Working Paper Series
Managing Remote Work Quality: Evidence from Auditing Management Systems Standards
By: Ashley Palmarozzo and Michael W. Toffel
Remote work has become more common, providing operational flexibility and productivity
benefits, but questions remain about whether and how it affects work quality. We investigate the
quality effects of remote work in a context in which remote work separates workers from the
subject of their work: remotely auditing compliance with management systems standards. We
analyze nearly 35,000 audits conducted in-person or remotely across thousands of sites around the
world by auditors of one global auditing company during 2019–2021, when remote auditing
accelerated due to COVID-19 pandemic travel restrictions. We theorize that remote audits will be
of lower quality (less comprehensive) than in-person audits because remote auditors face greater
difficulties (a) obtaining information critical to detecting violations and (b) coordinating actions
and exchanging information with fellow auditors. We find evidence of these theorized
mechanisms: remote audits report fewer violations and quality problems are especially
pronounced for (a) standards clauses in which auditors assess compliance via direct observation as
opposed to document review and (b) audits conducted by multi-auditor teams. We find the quality
problems of remote audits partially mitigated when the auditors had previously conducted inperson
audits of the site or when the auditors’ experience was more concentrated on the standard
being audited. Understanding mechanisms by which remote work can erode quality and revealing
attributes that exacerbate or attenuate such quality concerns can help companies and regulatory
agencies better manage remote work.
Audit; Auditing; Remote Work; Compliance; Assessment; Environment; Management Systems; Quality Management; Quality Management System; Quality; Operations; Supply Chain Management; Environmental Management; Safety
Palmarozzo, Ashley, and Michael W. Toffel. "Managing Remote Work Quality: Evidence from Auditing Management Systems Standards." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-002, July 2023. (Revised August 2024.)