- June 2023
- Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR)
When Does Uncertainty Matter? Understanding the Impact of Predictive Uncertainty in ML Assisted Decision Making
By: Sean McGrath, Parth Mehta, Alexandra Zytek, Isaac Lage and Himabindu Lakkaraju
As machine learning (ML) models are increasingly being employed to assist human decision
makers, it becomes critical to provide these decision makers with relevant inputs which can
help them decide if and how to incorporate model predictions into their decision making.
For instance, communicating the uncertainty associated with model predictions could potentially be helpful in this regard. In this work, we carry out user studies (1,330 responses
from 190 participants) to systematically assess how people with differing levels of expertise
respond to different types of predictive uncertainty (i.e., posterior predictive distributions
with different shapes and variances) in the context of ML assisted decision making for predicting apartment rental prices. We found that showing posterior predictive distributions
led to smaller disagreements with the ML model’s predictions, regardless of the shapes and
variances of the posterior predictive distributions we considered, and that these effects may
be sensitive to expertise in both ML and the domain. This suggests that posterior predictive
distributions can potentially serve as useful decision aids which should be used with caution
and take into account the type of distribution and the expertise of the human.
McGrath, Sean, Parth Mehta, Alexandra Zytek, Isaac Lage, and Himabindu Lakkaraju. "When Does Uncertainty Matter? Understanding the Impact of Predictive Uncertainty in ML Assisted Decision Making." Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR) (June 2023).