- June 2023 (Revised February 2024)
- HBS Case Collection
Betting on Green Steel
By: George Serafeim and Sofoklis Melissovas
'Betting on Green Steel' traces the innovative journey embarked upon by a group of MBA students who have set out to conceive a novel steelmaker that pioneers the production of green steel. The ensemble is confronted with a series of critical choices that will shape the venture: Should the operation base be in India or Oman? What would be the best method for green steel production – carbon capture and storage, or green hydrogen? Who should they aim to cater to with their green steel - the automotive sector or the wind turbine manufacturing industry? And lastly, which business model would drive sustainable profit - green premium pricing or carbon credits? One of the team members is set to return to his family's steelmaking enterprise post-graduation, escalating the stakes to a personal level. This dynamic case study offers a thorough exploration of these key decision-making factors in the context of environmental sustainability and business strategy, providing fertile ground for engaging classroom discussions.
Decarbonization; Sustainability Management; Technology; Industrialization; Climate Risk; Energy; Entrepreneurship; Environmental Sustainability; Technology Adoption; Climate Change; Innovation and Invention; Business Strategy; Family Business; Steel Industry; Middle East; India
Serafeim, George, and Sofoklis Melissovas. "Betting on Green Steel." Harvard Business School Case 123-101, June 2023. (Revised February 2024.)