- December 2022
- Management Science
I Don't 'Recall': The Decision to Delay Innovation Launch to Avoid Costly Product Failure
By: Byungyeon Kim, Oded Koenigsberg and Elie Ofek
Innovations embody novel features or cutting-edge components aimed at delivering desired customer benefits.
Oftentimes, however, we observe the need to recall new products shortly after their introduction. Indeed, a firm
may rush an innovation to market in an attempt to pre-empt rivals and capture early demand, yet in so doing
forgo rigorous testing; thus subjecting itself to the risk of a product recall. To shed light on this phenomenon, we
construct a dynamic game-theoretic model in which firms plan to launch their innovations. Each firm must decide
whether to conduct time-consuming quality assurance testing, which ensures no defects or safety problems but
delays the launch. If the innovation is released without such testing and a recall occurs, the firm incurs pecuniary
costs and faces future reputation damage in marketing the recalled innovation. We investigate the strategic forces
behind firms’ testing and launch-timing decisions in this context. The analysis uncovers a novel mechanism, linked
to the possibility of a rival going bankrupt, that causes firms to become more inclined to rush to market and take
on the risk of product failure even as the negative consequences of a recall increase. The results further demonstrate
how firms’ desire to forgo testing exhibits an inverse-U pattern as consumers become more heterogeneous; and how
competitive forces may induce both firms to forgo testing, even though the resulting profits are lower than had
they both committed to conduct testing. The framework is extended to examine how product recall considerations
affect firms’ research and development (R&D) investments. Although, in general, post-innovation product failure
discourages R&D effort, we identify conditions under which an increase in the recall probability stimulates firms
to innovate. Several model extensions are presented and managerial implications are discussed.
Innovation Management; Innovation And Strategy; Product Development Strategy; Product Introduction; Quality Control; Product Recalls; Game Theory; Market Timing; Innovation Strategy; Product Launch; Product Development
Kim, Byungyeon, Oded Koenigsberg, and Elie Ofek. "I Don't 'Recall': The Decision to Delay Innovation Launch to Avoid Costly Product Failure." Management Science 68, no. 12 (December 2022): 8889–8908.