The Composition and Dynamics of Technology-Enabled Entrepreneurship
By: Innessa Colaiacovo, Daniel P. Gross and Jorge Guzman
Using data on nearly all U.S. business registrations since the turn of the twentieth century, and a set of 386 major technologies invented over this period, we study the level, composition, and dynamics of entrepreneurial activity around new technology. We find a large, varied entrepreneurial economy rooted in innovation, where the vast majority of startups are not high-growth technology entrepreneurs but rather local, low-growth firms engaged in a wide range of complementary activities. The level and composition of this firm creation varies across technologies and over the technology lifecycle, and can be predicted from a technology's initial patents. We discuss implications of this evidence for research in entrepreneurial and technology strategy, business ecosystems, and industry dynamics.
Colaiacovo, Innessa, Daniel P. Gross, and Jorge Guzman. "The Composition and Dynamics of Technology-Enabled Entrepreneurship." SSRN Working Paper Series, No. 4383445, March 2023. (Revise and Resubmit: Strategic Management Journal.)