- 2023
Too Many Managers: The Strategic Use of Titles to Avoid Overtime Payments
By: Lauren Cohen, Umit Gurun and N. Bugra Ozel
We find widespread evidence of firms appearing to avoid paying overtime wages by exploiting a
federal law that allows them to do so for employees termed as “managers” and paid a salary above a
pre-defined dollar threshold. We show that listings for salaried positions with managerial titles exhibit
an almost five-fold increase around the federal regulatory threshold, including the listing of managerial
positions such as “Directors of First Impression,” whose jobs are otherwise equivalent to non-managerial
employees (in this case, a front desk assistant). Overtime avoidance is more pronounced when firms
have stronger bargaining power and employees have weaker rights. Moreover, it is more pronounced
for firms with financial constraints and when there are weaker labor outside options in the region.
We find stronger results for occupations in low-wage industries that are penalized more often for
overtime violations. Our results suggest broad usage of overtime avoidance using job titles across
locations and over time, persisting through the present day. Moreover, the wages avoided are
substantial - we estimate that firms avoid roughly 13.5% in overtime expenses for each strategic
“manager” hired during our sample period.
Cohen, Lauren, Umit Gurun, and N. Bugra Ozel. "Too Many Managers: The Strategic Use of Titles to Avoid Overtime Payments." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 30826, January 2023.