- 2022
The Options Multiplier: Decoding the CareerWise Youth Apprentice Journey
By: Joseph B. Fuller, Rachel Lipson, Farah Mallah, Girish Pendse and Rachel Snyder
As more Americans question the appeal of costly
higher education programs, earn-and-learn models,
like apprenticeship, are attracting increasing
attention from policymakers and employers alike. While apprenticeship is widespread in many
parts of Europe, apprenticeship models in the
U.S. traditionally have faced significant obstacles
to scale. Federally registered apprenticeship
programs have limited penetration in industries
outside the skilled trades. Barriers to adoption
have spanned both the supply- and demand-side:
Employers struggle to navigate complex regulatory
requirements and question the return on investment,
while youth and families express skepticism about
forgoing the traditional pathway to four-year college
often viewed as the north star for economic success.
Apprenticeship; Higher Education; Training; Personal Development and Career; Cost vs Benefits; Success; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms
Fuller, Joseph B., Rachel Lipson, Farah Mallah, Girish Pendse, and Rachel Snyder. "The Options Multiplier: Decoding the CareerWise Youth Apprentice Journey." White Paper, Project on Workforce at Harvard, November 2022.