- 2022
Values as Luxury Goods and Political Polarization
By: Benjamin Enke, Mattias Polborn and Alex A Wu
Motivated by novel survey evidence, this paper develops a theory of political
behavior in which values are a luxury good: the relative weight voters place
on values rather than material considerations increases in income. The model
predicts (i) voters who are sufficiently rich to afford voting left; (ii) that
more rich than poor people vote against their material interests; (iii) that
Democrats are internally more fragmented than Republicans; (iv) that income
and voting Republican are positively correlated across voters but negatively
across states; and (v) the realignment of rich moral liberals and poor moral
conservatives. We test our predictions empirically.
Political Polarization; Government and Politics; Moral Sensibility; Luxury; Values and Beliefs; Voting
Enke, Benjamin, Mattias Polborn, and Alex A Wu. "Values as Luxury Goods and Political Polarization." Working Paper, April 2022. (Revised April 2023.)