- 2022
- En quête de sens
Connecter les rêves
By: Hubert Joly and Mariana Arnaut
Trouver du sens dans son travail est plus que jamais vécu comme essentiel. L’entreprise, l’une des organisations humaines les plus capables d’innovation, a un rôle central à jouer face aux enjeux sociaux et environnementaux. Reste à déterminer quels principes peuvent guider l’action des dirigeants d’aujourd’hui… et des dirigeants de demain. C’est ce que cet ouvrage choral propose de mettre en lumière. Loin d’opposer jeunes idéalistes et hommes d’affaires aguerris, les auteurs offrent un espace de dialogue entre des dirigeants et des étudiants. Les uns se confient sur leur parcours, le sens qu’ils trouvent à leur action ; les autres partagent leurs intuitions de l’entreprise et leurs aspirations. De cet échange inédit émerge des principes communs : la nécessité d’être authentique, solidaire avec les autres, et de s’engager pour une raison d’être, une mission. L’enjeu est considérable et traverse les générations : ce livre sera une source d’inspiration indispensable pour les responsables de demain.
[Finding meaning in one's work is more essential than ever. The company, one of the human organizations most capable of innovation, has a central role to play in the face of social and environmental issues. It remains to be determined which principles can guide the action of today’s leaders… and tomorrow’s leaders. This is what this choral work proposes to highlight. Far from opposing young idealists and seasoned businessmen, the authors offer a space for dialogue between leaders and students. Some confide in their journey, the meaning they find in their action; the others share their business insights and aspirations. From this unprecedented exchange emerge common principles: the need to be authentic, to show solidarity with others, and to commit to a purpose, a mission. The stakes are considerable and cross the generations: this book will be a an indispensable source of inspiration for the leaders of tomorrow.]
[Finding meaning in one's work is more essential than ever. The company, one of the human organizations most capable of innovation, has a central role to play in the face of social and environmental issues. It remains to be determined which principles can guide the action of today’s leaders… and tomorrow’s leaders. This is what this choral work proposes to highlight. Far from opposing young idealists and seasoned businessmen, the authors offer a space for dialogue between leaders and students. Some confide in their journey, the meaning they find in their action; the others share their business insights and aspirations. From this unprecedented exchange emerge common principles: the need to be authentic, to show solidarity with others, and to commit to a purpose, a mission. The stakes are considerable and cross the generations: this book will be a an indispensable source of inspiration for the leaders of tomorrow.]
Joly, Hubert, and Mariana Arnaut. "Connecter les rêves." Chap. 8 in En quête de sens: Un dialogue entre dirigeants et futurs dirigeants [In Search of Meaning: A Dialogue Between Leaders and Future Leaders], edited by Rodolphe Durand and Cécile Lavrard-Meyer de Lisle, 125–142. Paris: Dunod, 2022, French ed.