- 2022
- International Business in Times of Crisis
Crises and International Business
By: Geoffrey Jones
This chapter uses the intellectual journey of the author to suggest that crises have been the norm rather than the exception in the history of international business. Over the last 100 years world wars, regional conflicts, the Great Depression, and decolonization are among the shocks which have transformed the political economy of global business. For businesses active in emerging markets, shocks have been regular occurrences. The chapter argues that scholars need to address the role of crises and rare events in international business, along with the wider social implications, by employing unconventional methodologies, and making bold claims. Robust evidence on climate change and multiple geo-political tensions suggest a prolonged period going forward when global business will encounter turbulence and crisis.
Crisis; Multinational Companies; International Business; Emerging Market; Business History; Multinational Firms and Management; System Shocks; War; Emerging Markets; Crisis Management
Jones, Geoffrey. "Crises and International Business." Chap. 2 in International Business in Times of Crisis. Vol. 16, edited by Rob van Tulder, Alain Verbeke, Lucia Piscitello, and Jonas Puck, 27–32. Progress in International Business Research. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022.