- January 2022 (Revised January 2024)
- HBS Case Collection
ReNew Power: Leading the Energy Transition in India
By: Gunnar Trumbull and Malini Sen
Founder-CEO of one of India’s largest clean energy companies, ReNew Power, which develops, builds, and operates utility-scale wind and solar energy projects, has to decide the way forward for the company as the country and the world stand poised at the cusp of an energy revolution. In 2021, at the COP26 summit, India’s Prime Minister had pledged that the country would achieve net-zero emissions by 2070 and raise renewable energy capacity fivefold by 2030. What role will ReNew Power play in this transition? Besides, with traditional power generators, which had focused on fossil fuel-based sources, finally taking notice of the renewables market, how can ReNew Power stay ahead of the competition?
Energy Generation; Renewable Energy; Energy Sources; Entrepreneurship; Private Equity; Initial Public Offering; Forecasting and Prediction; Trends; Transformation; Private Ownership; Environmental Sustainability; Energy Industry; India; Asia
Trumbull, Gunnar, and Malini Sen. "ReNew Power: Leading the Energy Transition in India." Harvard Business School Case 722-028, January 2022. (Revised January 2024.)