- September 2021 (Revised October 2021)
- HBS Case Collection
Dream: Impact Through Real Estate
By: Michael Chu and John Masko
The Canadian city of Toronto had one of the largest housing affordability problems of any city in the developed world. One company trying to address this problem was Dream, one of the largest real estate groups in Canada. In 2021, Dream had just launched a new system for impact investing, along with two new investment vehicles to connect investors with environmentally and socially beneficial projects. A first mover in impact investing among Canadian real estate firms, Dream wrestled with the question of how to use the language and concepts of impact investing to solve Toronto and Canada’s housing affordability crisis. How could Dream work with federal, provincial, and local governments to make housing more affordable? How could it scale impact across the real estate industry to increase affordability? How could Dream also integrate other aspects of impact, like environmental sustainability, into its approach without losing focus on affordability? Students will consider the case of a single large Dream development in Toronto as they evaluate these questions.
Impact Investing; Real Estate Development; Renewable Energy; Energy Conservation; Income; Values and Beliefs; Borrowing and Debt; Equity; Private Equity; Public Equity; Financing and Loans; City; Government Legislation; Immigration; Housing; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Mission and Purpose; Property; Business and Government Relations; Civil Society or Community; Human Needs; Sustainable Cities; Environmental Sustainability; Social Enterprise; Real Estate Industry; Canada; Toronto
Chu, Michael, and John Masko. "Dream: Impact Through Real Estate." Harvard Business School Case 322-041, September 2021. (Revised October 2021.)