- August 2021
- HBS Case Collection
Brand You: Crafting Your Personal Brand
By: Jill Avery and Rachel Greenwald
Selling oneself is something that we have to do every day in both professional and personal settings. We face it when we apply for a job, advocate for a promotion or a raise, vie for a leadership position, attempt to land a new client, write a dating profile, or meet a new friend. In today's world driven by a sharing economy reliant on one's personal reputation as currency, populated by so-called influencers, and with all of our day-to-day lives captured, packaged, and shared on social media, we are all brands, and thus we need to understand how to market ourselves. This note is designed to help you better understand how to identify, clarify, communicate, embody, and strategically manage your personal brand so that it strongly and clearly signifies and signals the unique value you have to offer. Personal branding allows you to own and tell your story—empowering you to make the difference you wish to achieve in your life and in the greater world.
Personal Brand; Brand Management; Marketing; Brands and Branding; Identity; Opportunities; Talent and Talent Management; Jobs and Positions; Strength and Weakness; Communication
Avery, Jill, and Rachel Greenwald. "Brand You: Crafting Your Personal Brand." Harvard Business School Technical Note 522-031, August 2021.