- March 2021 (Revised January 2024)
- HBS Case Collection
Ayn Rand: Changing the World
By: Robert Simons and Max Saffer
This case traces the life of Ayn Rand from Russia to Hollywood to New York City. The case describes how Rand fled communist Russia and, in reaction to the deprivations she experienced under communism, developed a philosophy idealizing free will and personal achievement. The case describes how she published her philosophy in popular novels that have sold more than 30 million copies and made her one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century. Students will learn how Ayn Rand navigated life’s choices to leave a lasting impact on the world.
Writing; Values and Beliefs; Economic Systems; Society; Mission and Purpose; Success; Work-Life Balance; Ethics; Personal Development and Career; Publishing Industry
Simons, Robert, and Max Saffer. "Ayn Rand: Changing the World." Harvard Business School Case 121-070, March 2021. (Revised January 2024.)