- Economía Industrial
The Supply Chain Economy: New Policies to Drive Innovation and Jobs
By: Mercedes Delgado and Karen G. Mills
The debate in economic policymaking about the drivers of innovation and job creation has long centered on manufacturing versus services. The predominant view is that manufacturing drives innovation, wages, and growth, and that services provide less innovation and lower-wage jobs. We propose an alternative framework that focuses on the suppliers of goods and services to businesses and the government: the “supply chain economy.” Our research shows that by categorizing the economy into Supply Chain versus Business-to-Consumer industries, a different picture emerges. The Supply Chain industries are a distinct category of the economy that is important to innovation and well-paid jobs. In particular, Supply Chain Services have the highest wages and intensity of STEM jobs in the U.S., and have experienced rapid growth in employment and wages in the last two decades. Surprisingly, this growth seems concentrated in established firms versus new and young firms. The Supply Chain industries face unique challenges that may require new policy solutions from the public and private sector. Critical initiatives could focus on improving their access to skilled labor, buyers, capital, and data.
Supply Chain Industries; Supply Chain; Economy; Policy; Innovation and Invention; Jobs and Positions
Delgado, Mercedes, and Karen G. Mills. "The Supply Chain Economy: New Policies to Drive Innovation and Jobs." Economía Industrial, no. 421 (December 2021).