- 2018
Corporate Refinancing, Covenants, and the Agency Cost of Debt
By: Daniel Green
How valuable are restrictive debt covenants in reducing the agency costs of debt? I exploit the revealed preference decision to refinance fixed-coupon bonds, which weighs observable interest rate savings against the unobservable costs of a change in restrictive covenants. Variation in this trade-off reveals that firms require higher interest rate savings to refinance when it would add restrictive covenants. I structurally estimate a model of debt refinancing and find that a high-yield bond's restrictive covenant package increases the value of speculative-grade firms by 2.4 percent. This suggests that covenants are essential for allowing the tax benefits of debt to offset costs of financial distress.
Covenants; Refinancing; Corporate Bonds; Agency Costs; Debt Policy; Borrowing and Debt; Bonds; Interest Rates
Green, Daniel. "Corporate Refinancing, Covenants, and the Agency Cost of Debt." Working Paper, 2018. (Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Finance.)