- 2016
Advanced Leadership Pathways: Shelly London and Ethics Education
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Tessa Natanay Hamilton and Ai-Ling Jamila Malone
Teaching Note for Case 313-028. Following a successful career as a Senior Vice President, Vice President, and Chief Communications Officer at two large corporate companies, Shelly London became a Harvard Advanced Leadership Fellow. During her fellowship she set out to promote opportunities for young people to practice the ethical decision making that she had found integral for success in the corporate world. She developed a portfolio of initiatives that would expand opportunities for young people to be exposed to ethical dilemmas through familial interaction, computer games, and additional media outlets. This case provides an overview of London's process in exploring the topic, developing ideas for solutions, and successfully leading project development. This case may be used for courses related to change management, social enterprise, and leadership.
Ethics; Education; Moral Sensibility; Behavior; Decision Making; Leadership; Innovation and Management; Change Management; Social Enterprise; Education Industry; Service Industry; North and Central America
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, Tessa Natanay Hamilton, and Ai-Ling Jamila Malone. "Advanced Leadership Pathways: Shelly London and Ethics Education." Harvard Business Publishing Teaching Note, 2016. (Harvard Advanced Leadership Initiative.)