- 2019
- Race, Work, and Leadership
Pathways to Leadership: Black Graduates of Harvard Business School
By: Anthony J. Mayo and Laura Morgan Roberts
In chapter 3, “Pathways to Leadership,” Anthony J. Mayo and Laura Morgan Roberts present a portrait of the backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of black alumni of the HBS MBA program. With this study, HBS has allowed itself to be exposed in a way that other schools have not. Few schools make their specific racial composition data available, and if they do, they do so for compliance purposes. This unprecedented level of transparency allows Mayo and Roberts to focus on race and to do so with an historical lens, looking at the composition and experiences of black alumni over several decades.
Mayo, Anthony J., and Laura Morgan Roberts. "Pathways to Leadership: Black Graduates of Harvard Business School." Chap. 3 in Race, Work, and Leadership: New Perspectives on the Black Experience, edited by Laura Morgan Roberts, Anthony J. Mayo, and David A. Thomas, 41–72. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press, 2019.