- March 2019
- HBS Case Collection
By: John Deighton and Leora Kornfeld
How to run a platform to match four million writers of stories to 75 million readers? Use data science. Make money by doing deals with television and filmmakers and book publishers. The case describes the challenges of matching readers to stories and of helping writers produce better stories by supplying feedback on their chapters as they write, all by processing a billion data points daily. But it's hard to acquire new customer groups when algorithms have a bias to replicate the tastes on which they are trained.
Platform Businesses; Creative Industries; Publishing; Data Science; Machine Learning; Collaborative Filtering; Women And Leadership; Managing Data Scientists; Big Data; Recommender Systems; Digital Platforms; Information Technology; Intellectual Property; Analytics and Data Science; Publishing Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Canada; United States; Philippines; Viet Nam; Turkey; Indonesia; Brazil
Deighton, John, and Leora Kornfeld. "Wattpad." Harvard Business School Case 919-413, March 2019.