- 2019
- Handbook of Advances in Marketing in an Era of Disruptions: Essays in Honour of Jagdish N. Sheth
Daring to Understand and Change Thinking
By: G. Zaltman
Jagdish Sheth's many outstanding qualities and contributions to management and society in general share a common theme. He dares to think deeply and challenges his own and others' thoughts. The larger lesson he provides, and the focus of this essay, is the need for managers to (a) understand how they think, (b) question or challenge those processes and (c) be willing to change. These are difficult tasks. Changing how minds operate, especially our own, is not for the faint hearted. These tasks require intrinsic curiosity, courage and creativity. The soundness of how managers think is the primary driver of the quality of what they think and do. This essay develops these ideas further. It dares managers to understand how they think, to question how they think and, when appropriate, to change their thinking processes.
Zaltman, G. "Daring to Understand and Change Thinking." Chap. 2 in Handbook of Advances in Marketing in an Era of Disruptions: Essays in Honour of Jagdish N. Sheth, edited by Atul Parvatiyar and Rajendra Sisodia. SAGE Publications India, 2019.