- October 2018 (Revised September 2020)
- HBS Case Collection
Testing Autonomy in Pittsburgh
By: Mitchell Weiss and Brittany Urick
Pittsburgh’s mayor had been among the first to welcome self-driving vehicles but was now one of many needing to react after a pedestrian fatality involving an autonomous Uber in Arizona. He had originally preferred to roll out “the red carpet” instead of the “red tape.” Now he found himself needing to balance technological advancement and the city’s economic trajectory against public health and safety concerns and, simply, citizens’ fears. Post-Arizona, should he allow AV firms to double down on experimentation? When it came to testing new technology, how safe was safe enough?
Public Entrepreneurship; Government Innovation; Government Experimentation; Autonomous Vehicles; Mayor; Mayor Peduto; Cities; Mobility; Automation; Uber; Argo Ai; Aurora Innovation; Aptiv; Entrepreneurship; Public Sector; Innovation and Invention; Transportation; City; Safety; Business and Government Relations; Transportation Industry; Auto Industry; United States; Pennsylvania; Pittsburgh
Weiss, Mitchell, and Brittany Urick. "Testing Autonomy in Pittsburgh." Harvard Business School Case 819-059, October 2018. (Revised September 2020.)