- July 2018 (Revised November 2018)
- HBS Case Collection
Hidrovias do Brasil: Navigating Unchartered Waters
By: Boris Groysberg and Sarah L. Abbott
Since its founding eight years earlier, Hidrovias do Brasil (“Hidrovias”), an integrated logistics provider serving corporate customers exporting products from South America via the Atlantic Ocean, had grown to 900 employees and $253 million in annual revenues. Hidrovias was founded by the Brazilian private equity firm, Pátria Investments, who had built the business from the ground up, forging and nurturing relationships with customers, investors, government entities, and suppliers. As Bruno Serapiao, Hidrovias’s CEO pondered next steps for the company, he considered the following questions: What had been the key drivers of Hidrovias’s success to date? What were the major challenges? And, what was the best path for the company going forward?
Human Resources; Private Equity; Brazil; Entrepreneurial Organizations; Operation Management; General Management; Entrepreneurship; Finance; Growth and Development; Leadership; Operations; Problems and Challenges; Transportation; Human Capital; Strategy; Emerging Markets; Brazil
Groysberg, Boris, and Sarah L. Abbott. "Hidrovias do Brasil: Navigating Unchartered Waters." Harvard Business School Case 419-007, July 2018. (Revised November 2018.)