- April 2018 (Revised May 2018)
- HBS Case Collection
Goldman Sachs: Making an Imprint in Impact Investing
By: Shawn Cole, Vikram S. Gandhi, Caitlin Reimers Brumme and Lynn Schenk
Goldman Sachs acquired Imprint Capital Advisors, a small firm that specialized in advising clients on environmental/social/governance (ESG) and impact investments. The founders sold Imprint with the belief that joining a global financial firm would help to scale impact investing, if not bring it into the mainstream. The case is set two years after the acquisition. It describes impact investing, the founding of Imprint, its evolution from serving foundations and home offices to financial institutions, and its sale to and integration within Goldman Sachs. The founders consider the past two years and whether the acquisition has, in fact, helped to scale ESG/impact investing.
Impact Investing; ESG; Investment; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Environmental Sustainability; Growth and Development Strategy; Acquisition; Integration
Cole, Shawn, Vikram S. Gandhi, Caitlin Reimers Brumme, and Lynn Schenk. "Goldman Sachs: Making an Imprint in Impact Investing." Harvard Business School Case 218-069, April 2018. (Revised May 2018.)