- September 2016 (Revised November 2017)
- HBS Case Collection
Casper Sleep Inc.: Marketing the 'One Perfect Mattress for Everyone'
By: Robert J. Dolan
“A Warby Parker of mattresses? Somebody is going to do it. Why not us?”
This was the topic of a conversation begun in spring 2013 among Gabe Flateman, Philip Krim, Neil Parikh, and T. Luke Sherwin. The four met as members of a New York City venture accelerator program. All admired Warby Parker’s success in delivering on the promise of “designer eyewear at revolutionary prices,” via a direct-to-consumer sales model. “Big Mattress,” their term for the current manufacturer/retailer system, featured not only high prices, but also, as they would describe to many in the days ahead, "one of the worst buying experiences in the world."
Mattress; Sleep; Marketing; Business Model; Marketing Channels; Adoption; Sales; Consumer Products Industry
Dolan, Robert J. "Casper Sleep Inc.: Marketing the 'One Perfect Mattress for Everyone'." Harvard Business School Case 517-042, September 2016. (Revised November 2017.)