- Journal of Modern Project Management
Visualizing and Measuring Software Portfolio Architecture: A Power Utility Case
By: Robert Lagerström, Carliss Y. Baldwin and Alan MacCormack
In this paper, we test a Design Structure Matrix (DSM) based method for visualizing and
measuring software portfolio architectures. Our data is drawn from a power utility company, comprising 192 software applications with 614 dependencies between them. We
show that the architecture of this system can be classified as a “core-periphery” system,
meaning it contains a single large dominant cluster of interconnected components (the
“Core”) representing 40% of the system. The system has a propagation cost of 44% and
architecture flow through of 93%. This case and these findings add another piece of the
puzzle suggesting that the method could be effective in uncovering the hidden structure
in software portfolio architectures.
Lagerström, Robert, Carliss Y. Baldwin, and Alan MacCormack. "Visualizing and Measuring Software Portfolio Architecture: A Power Utility Case." Special Issue on DSM Conference 2014. Journal of Modern Project Management 3, no. 2 (September–December 2015): 114–121.