- 2016
Building A Culture of Health - John A. Quelch: The Marketing of Prevention
By: John A. Quelch
The US will devote 17.5% of GDP to health care this year, around $3 trillion. Yet only 3 percent of that will be spent on prevention, including both primary prevention (preventing illness in the first place) and secondary prevention (preventing sick people getting sicker or having a relapse). Medicine saves lives, doctors are heroes and the best earn Nobel prizes. Prevention, by contrast, is mundane, measurement of effectiveness is difficult, rewards and recognition pale by comparison.
Healthcare; Healthcare Marketing; Prevention; Wellbeing; Health; Marketing; Health Industry; Insurance Industry; Public Administration Industry; Europe; North and Central America
Quelch, John A. "The Marketing of Prevention." Building A Culture of Health - John A. Quelch (blog). May 12, 2016.