- 2011
CSCEC: Transformation and Development (TN)
By: F. Warren McFarlan, Donghong Li and Hong Zhang
In 2001, CSCEC, the largest residential building constructor in China, greeted its new General Manager, Wenjie Sun, who was the President of China Overseas, a Hong Kong-listed subsidiary of CSCEC. In the following 9 years, Sun strived to advance the transformation and development of CSCEC, making it a highly competitive company from one of bureaucratic in nature, listed in Shanghai Exchange of Share A, and enter the echelon of Fortune 500. In 2010, Sun retired at the age of 64, and Jun Yi, Sun's close associate, took over the top position. Immediately after Yi's succession, he made all efforts to push the transformation and development of CSCEC in a new era. Yi embraced the hope that CSCEC would be further upgraded in the following 5 or 10 years in his tenure. He started to make adjustments in regard to the corporation's strategic goals and developing path, its business structure and mix, its business models, internal management controls, etc. CSCEC's own operation conditions had changed greatly compared to that 10 years ago, so did its external business environment. Faced with these circumstances, Yi was pondering over such questions: Were the series of strategic measures taken by CSCEC appropriate? What new measures should be taken in the next step?
McFarlan, F. Warren, Donghong Li, and Hong Zhang. "CSCEC: Transformation and Development (TN)." Tsinghua University Teaching Note, 2011.