- 2018
- The New Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography
How Geography Shapes—and Is Shaped by—the Internet
By: Shane Greenstein, Avi Goldfarb and Chris Forman
Book Abstract: The first 15 years of the 21st century have thrown into sharp relief the challenges of growth, equity, stability, and sustainability facing the world economy. In addition, they have exposed the inadequacies of mainstream economics in providing answers to these challenges. This volume gathers over 50 leading scholars from around the world to offer a forward-looking perspective of economic geography to understanding the various building blocks, relationships, and trajectories in the world economy. The perspective is at the same time grounded in theory and in the experiences of particular places. Reviewing state-of-the-art of economic geography, setting agendas, and with illustrations and empirical evidence from all over the world, the book should be an essential reference for students and researchers as well as strategists and policy makers.
Greenstein, Shane, Avi Goldfarb, and Chris Forman. "How Geography Shapes—and Is Shaped by—the Internet." In The New Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography, edited by Gordon Clark, Maryann Feldman, Meric Gertler, and Dariusz Wojcik, 269–285. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.