- Harvard Business Review (website)
Health Care Providers Need a Value Management Office
By: Robert S. Kaplan, Catherine H. MacLean, Alexander Dresner, Derek A. Haas and Thomas W. Feeley
Many health care organizations are striving to implement a value agenda that delivers better patient outcomes at lower cost, medical condition by medical condition. To accelerate the dissemination and adoption of the value agenda, across many more medical conditions, leading institutions, such as MD Anderson Cancer Center and the Hospital for Special Surgery, have established a new central office to oversee the creation of all the capabilities and information for measuring and improving outcomes and cost, setting priorities for continuous improvement projects, facilitating the creation of value-based payment models with insurers and employers, and ensuring that new information technology platforms are aligned with the value agenda.
Kaplan, Robert S., Catherine H. MacLean, Alexander Dresner, Derek A. Haas, and Thomas W. Feeley. "Health Care Providers Need a Value Management Office." Harvard Business Review (website) (December 2, 2015). (Part of the “Leading Change in Health Care” series, a collaboration of the editors of Harvard Business Review and NEJM Group.)