- 2015
The Iran Nuclear Deal: A Definitive Guide
By: Gary Samore, Graham T. Allison, Aaron Arnold, Matthew Bunn, Nicholas Burns, Shai Feldman, Chuck Freilich, Olli Heinonen, Martin B. Malin, Steven E. Miller, Payam Mohseni, Richard Nephew, Laura Rockwood, James K. Sebenius and William Tobey
This report on a comprehensive nuclear agreement with Iran—the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) provides a concise description of the agreement and the accompanying UN Security Council Resolution 2231. It also includes a balanced assessment of the agreement's strengths and weaknesses with respect to its central objective to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. The team of experts who prepared the report includes Democrats, Republicans, independents, and internationals. Noting areas of disagreement among themselves, they agreed that this report provides an accurate description and balanced assessment of the agreement.
Samore, Gary, Graham T. Allison, Aaron Arnold, Matthew Bunn, Nicholas Burns, Shai Feldman, Chuck Freilich, Olli Heinonen, Martin B. Malin, Steven E. Miller, Payam Mohseni, Richard Nephew, Laura Rockwood, James K. Sebenius, and William Tobey., ed. "The Iran Nuclear Deal: A Definitive Guide." Report, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, August 2015.