- 2015
- Academy of Management Annals
The Corporate Headquarters in the Contemporary Corporation: Advancing a Multimarket Firm Perspective
By: Markus Menz, Sven Kunisch and David J. Collis
The corporate headquarters (CHQ) is the central organizational unit in the contemporary corporation and is critical for value creation in the overall firm. Since the early 1960s, a significant body of research on the CHQ has evolved along two separate but related streams. The first stream focuses on the CHQ in the multibusiness firm, while the second stream concerns the CHQ in the multinational firm. In this article, we promote a consistent multimarket firm perspective that draws on research in both streams. First, we describe the origins and evolution of CHQ research in each stream and articulate the benefits of a multimarket firm perspective. Second, we integrate the conversations found in the two streams into a schematic framework, review the studies' findings, and establish a shared language. We also propose ways in which scholars in each stream might enrich their work by incorporating some of the theories, methods, and findings of the other stream. Third, we discuss four fundamental inquiries for future research that draw upon the cumulative CHQ research in both streams. Overall, this article informs the study of the CHQ and, thereby, contributes to our understanding of the contemporary corporation.
Corporate Headquarters; Corporate Center; Corporate Parent; Corporate Strategy; Multimarket Firm; Multibusiness Firm; Multinational Corporation; Management; Organizations; Strategy
Menz, Markus, Sven Kunisch, and David J. Collis. "The Corporate Headquarters in the Contemporary Corporation: Advancing a Multimarket Firm Perspective." Academy of Management Annals 9 (2015): 633–714.