- June 2015
- Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences
Understanding Ordinary Unethical Behavior: Why People Who Value Morality Act Immorally
By: F. Gino
Cheating, deception, organizational misconduct, and many other forms of unethical behavior are among the greatest challenges in today's society. As regularly highlighted by the media, extreme cases and costly scams are common. Yet, even more frequent and pervasive are cases of 'ordinary' unethical behavior—unethical actions committed by people who value and care about morality but behave unethically when faced with an opportunity to cheat. In this article, I review the recent literature in behavioral ethics and moral psychology on ordinary unethical behavior.
Gino, F. "Understanding Ordinary Unethical Behavior: Why People Who Value Morality Act Immorally." Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 3 (June 2015): 107–111.