- October 2014
- HBS Case Collection
Atlantis Paradise Island Resort and Casino (B): Improving Performance with New Core Values
By: Lynda M. Applegate, Chekitan S. Dev and Gabriele Piccoli
The leadership team of Atlantis Paradise Island, under new ownership, decided that better alignment of the core values with the vision and mission statement would create a more compelling and consistent organizational narrative that would redouble employee commitment to Atlantis' ultimate success. They hoped that rethinking the core values would help them unleash the full transformative potential of their vision and mission.
Organization Behavior; Service Management; Strategy; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Service Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., Chekitan S. Dev, and Gabriele Piccoli. "Atlantis Paradise Island Resort and Casino (B): Improving Performance with New Core Values." Harvard Business School Supplement 815-073, October 2014.