- October 2014 (Revised May 2015)
- HBS Case Collection
HandsOn Bay Area: Scaling Up Community Service
By: James Heskett
HandsOn Bay Area, an organization devoted to the performance of (and development of leaders for) community service, is undergoing a significant (and internally controversial) shift in its business model from "retail" projects involving individual volunteers to "wholesale" projects with for-profit partners from the San Francisco Bay Area. Its CEO has to decide whether and how to respond to a request from Google to engage 5,500 Google employees in community service activities during a one-week period. It's a far larger project than the organization has ever undertaken and one requiring many added resources. Among the risks is the possible damage to the HandsOn reputation among Silicon Valley partners if the effort does not succeed.
Heskett, James. "HandsOn Bay Area: Scaling Up Community Service." Harvard Business School Case 915-404, October 2014. (Revised May 2015.)