- 2011
- Perspectives on Brand Management
Consumers' Relationships with Brands
By: Susan Fournier and Jill Avery
This chapter presents a brand management paradigm based on the foundational principles of relationships. (1) Brand relationships are a means to an end: brand relationship managers must consider the whole person and understand how the brand adds meaning into people's lives. (2) Brand relationships are diverse and multi-faceted: relationship management requires sensitivity to the operative contract and relationship form. (3) Brand relationships are process phenomena: savvy relationship strategies consider the dimensions on which relationships develop and address the causes that drive evolution and change over time. Our perspective enlightens current customer relationship management (CRM) practice by providing a deeper appreciation of the 'R' in CRM.
Marketing; Brands; Brand Building; Brand Equity; Brand Management; Customer Relationship Management; CRM; Customer Focus and Relationships; Brands and Branding; Marketing Strategy; Consumer Products Industry
Fournier, Susan, and Jill Avery. "Consumers' Relationships with Brands." Chap. 14 in Perspectives on Brand Management, edited by Mark D. Uncles, 225–248. Tilde University Press, 2011.