- August 2012 (Revised November 2014)
- HBS Case Collection
Intuit Inc.: Project AgriNova
By: Thomas Eisenmann and Tanya Bijlani
In late 2008, a team from Intuit's office in Bangalore, India, is evaluating an opportunity to launch a new venture that would use SMS to deliver crop price information to farmers in India. The case describes the structure of Indian agriculture and the problems experienced by farmers, who were often exploited by middlemen who entered into obtuse private arrangements with wholesale buyers. After five weeks of research, the team concludes that the opportunity warrants further exploration. The question is, what should they do next?
Corporate Venturing; Entrepreneurship; Research; Business Ventures; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Information Technology Industry; Bangalore
Eisenmann, Thomas, and Tanya Bijlani. "Intuit Inc.: Project AgriNova." Harvard Business School Case 813-062, August 2012. (Revised November 2014.)