- September 2011 (Revised August 2015)
- HBS Case Collection
By: William A. Sahlman, Jeffrey Glass and Evan W. Richardson
The founding team at ScoreBig, an event ticketing company, is on the verge of a public launch of their product. The company has made great progress in negotiating access to tickets, designing its interface, and building a proprietary architecture. For consumers, ScoreBig offered the opportunity to buy tickets at below face value. For event managers, ScoreBig helped solve the problem of filling empty seats and recruiting new customers in a way that did not harm other forms of ticket sales. ScoreBig has raised over $20 million in three rounds of financing.
Business Model; Marketing Strategy; Product Launch; Business Startups; Business Strategy; Corporate Finance; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
Sahlman, William A., Jeffrey Glass, and Evan W. Richardson. "ScoreBig." Harvard Business School Case 812-043, September 2011. (Revised August 2015.)