- 2011
- CSR Index
Accelerating the Adoption of Integrated Reporting
By: Robert G. Eccles and George Serafeim
This chapter describes the concept of integrated reporting, provides a brief history of its development, reviews the current state of practice, presents a strategy for institutional change that will accelerate the adoption of integrated reporting in order to meet the five-year objective, and concludes with a call to the reader to do whatever he or she can to speed the adoption of integrated reporting.
Integrated Corporate Reporting; Business History; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Practice; Adoption
Eccles, Robert G., and George Serafeim. "Accelerating the Adoption of Integrated Reporting." Chap. 2.2 in CSR Index, edited by Francesco de Leo and Matthias Vollbracht, 70–92. InnoVatio Publishing Ltd., 2011.