- September 2010 (Revised February 2013)
- HBS Case Collection
The Cage-Free Egg Movement
By: Michael W. Toffel and Stephanie van Sice
Describes the social movement confronting conventional egg production techniques (battery cages) based on animal welfare concerns, and some merits and drawbacks of cage-free alternatives. Highlights animal rights activist campaigns, political and regulatory responses, and announcements by some companies to shift egg purchases or sales from conventional to alternative production methods.
Animal-Based Agribusiness; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Rights; Supply Chain Management; Natural Environment; Social Issues; Competitive Strategy; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry
Toffel, Michael W., and Stephanie van Sice. "The Cage-Free Egg Movement." Harvard Business School Background Note 611-021, September 2010. (Revised February 2013.)