- February 2009 (Revised December 2009)
- HBS Case Collection
eReading: Amazon's Kindle
By: Bharat N. Anand, Peter W. Olson Esq. and Mary Tripsas
In November 2007, Amazon introduced the Kindle, the first electronic reader with wireless functionality. The case describes the launch of the Kindle and provides information on representative players in the industry (or broader ecosystem) who are likely to be affected and react, including Penguin (the leading educational publisher), Barnes & Noble (the largest bricks-&-mortar retailer), Apple and Sony (as manufacturers of competing devices), Google (as a major provider of free e-content), and Adobe (as a competitor in creating an e-book standard).
Books; Disruptive Innovation; Technological Innovation; Industry Structures; Standards; Distribution Channels; Competitive Strategy; Publishing Industry
Anand, Bharat N., Peter W. Olson Esq., and Mary Tripsas. "eReading: Amazon's Kindle." Harvard Business School Case 709-486, February 2009. (Revised December 2009.)