- March 2010
- Perspectives on Psychological Science
In Favor of Clear Thinking: Incorporating Moral Rules into a Wise Cost-benefit Analysis
By: Max Bazerman and Joshua D. Greene
Bennis, Medin, and Bartels (2009) have contributed an interesting paper on the comparative benefit of moral rules versus cost-benefit analysis (CBA). Many of their specific comments are accurate, useful, and insightful. At the same time, we believe they have misrepresented CBA and have reached a set of conclusions that are misguided and, if adopted wholesale, potentially dangerous. Overall, they offer wise suggestions for making CBA more effective, rather than eliminating CBA as a decision-making tool.
Cost vs Benefits; Moral Sensibility; Adoption; Performance Effectiveness; Decision Making; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques
Bazerman, Max, and Joshua D. Greene. "In Favor of Clear Thinking: Incorporating Moral Rules into a Wise Cost-benefit Analysis." Perspectives on Psychological Science 5, no. 2 (March 2010): 209–212.