- 2009
- Exploring Positive Identities and Organizations: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation
Checking Your Identities at the Door? Positive Relationships Between Non-Work and Work Identities
By: Nancy Rothbard and Lakshmi Ramarajan
In this chapter we examine factors that enable individuals to experience compatibility between their work and non-work identities. Specifically, we suggest that identity compatibility is influenced by (a) the extent to which individuals can control the co-activation of identities, and (b) the routinization of identity co-activation. We argue that factors such as status and respect allow for greater control over whether and when identities are co-activated. We also argue that compatibility arises from cognitive routines which emerge from active and passive adaptation to situations in which co-activation of identities occurs frequently.
Rothbard, Nancy, and Lakshmi Ramarajan. "Checking Your Identities at the Door? Positive Relationships Between Non-Work and Work Identities." In Exploring Positive Identities and Organizations: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation, edited by Laura M. Roberts and Jane E. Dutton. Psychology Press, 2009.