- 2008
Great Negotiator Case Study Package
By: James K. Sebenius, Jeswald Salacuse, Daniel Curran, Rebecca Hulse and Kristin Schneeman
This special curriculum package includes the following case studies in the Great Negotiator Case Study Series, each of which features a past recipient of PON's Great Negotiator Award:
- 2000 PON Great Negotiator: "To Hell with the Future, Let's Get On With the Past": George Mitchell in Northern Ireland, featuring former U.S. Senator George Mitchell's work on the all-party talks in Northern Ireland between 1996 and 1998 that culminated in the signing of the historic Good Friday Accords
- 2001 PON Great Negotiator: Charlene Barshefsky (A) and (B), featuring former U.S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshefky's work from 1994 to 1996 negotiating a trade agreement with China
- 2002 PON Great Negotiator: Lakhdar Brahimi: Negotiating a New Government for Afghanistan, featuring former United Nations Special Envoy Lakhdar Brahimi's involvement in negotiating an interim government for Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban in 2001
- 2003 PON Great Negotiator: Stuart Eizenstat: Negotiating the Final Accounts of World War II, featuring former EU Ambassador and Special Representative to the President Stuart Eizenstat's work facilitating the award of $8 billion in reparations from multiple European governments, banks, and companies to victims of World War II
Each case study describes the featured negotiator's background and examines the context, strategies, tactics, and outcome of a particularly difficult international negotiation in which the negotiator was involved. Used together, the case studies offer a unique opportunity to learn from recent history and to compare and contrast the approaches of three renowned professional negotiators.
Sebenius, James K., Jeswald Salacuse, Daniel Curran, Rebecca Hulse, and Kristin Schneeman. "Great Negotiator Case Study Package." Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School Case, 2008.