- December 2006 (Revised October 2007)
Managing Networked Businesses: Course Overview for Educators
Provides an overview for educators of concepts covered in the MBA elective course, "Managing Networked Businesses," (MNB). MNB focuses on management challenges in businesses that exhibit network effects. Such businesses comprise a large and growing share of the global economy and confront distinctive management challenges. Due to the unusual microeconomic attributes of networked businesses, designing optimal business models is difficult, and managers often must cope with "Winner-take-all" (WTA) competitive dynamics. WTA outcomes have profound implications not only for strategy decisions, but also for choices about capital structure, organizational design, and government relations.
Eisenmann, Thomas R. "Managing Networked Businesses: Course Overview for Educators." Harvard Business School Course Overview Note 807-104, December 2006. (Revised October 2007.)