- November 2005
- HBS Case Collection
Playgrounds and Performance: Results Management at KaBOOM! (A)
By: Herman B. Leonard, Marc J. Epstein and Laura Winig
KaBOOM!, a successful playground-building social enterprise funded through corporate partnerships, wants to develop a performance measurement system that will enable the organization to expand its impact substantially. The board of directors and management are trying to develop a performance-oriented approach that will inform their strategy and allow them to manage operations efficiently and effectively as they grow--and, possibly, shift their emphasis to growth. What operational and impact data should they collect? How should they design a system of measures that will inform them without either drowning them in data or constraining their opportunities for growth? Can they develop a single system that will be useful to the board of directors and management--and support strategy development without inviting micromanagement?
Governing and Advisory Boards; Growth and Development Strategy; Social Enterprise; Performance Evaluation; Management Systems; Design; Construction Industry
Leonard, Herman B., Marc J. Epstein, and Laura Winig. "Playgrounds and Performance: Results Management at KaBOOM! (A)." Harvard Business School Case 306-031, November 2005.