- August 2005 (Revised December 2006)
- HBS Case Collection
Procter & Gamble: Electronic Data Capture and Clinical Trial Management
By: Robert S. Huckman and Mark J. Cotteleer
Considers whether the management of Procter & Gamble (P&G) Pharmaceuticals should adopt Web-based electronic data capture (EDC) as the default standard for the management of its clinical drug trials. Provides a detailed description of the existing paper-based process for clinical trial management at P&G and asks students to consider whether and to what extent the use of information technology--in the form of Web-based EDC--could improve that process. Highlights tensions surrounding the implementation of new technologies and considered potential barriers to implementation both within the firm and with other firms in the value chain. Finally, considers how a firm should structure relationships with external providers of new, process-related technologies.
Health Testing and Trials; Internet and the Web; Information Technology; Adoption; Business Processes; Industry Structures; Technological Innovation; Service Operations; Pharmaceutical Industry; United States
Huckman, Robert S., and Mark J. Cotteleer. "Procter & Gamble: Electronic Data Capture and Clinical Trial Management." Harvard Business School Case 606-033, August 2005. (Revised December 2006.)