- April 2005
- HBS Case Collection
Strategies of Unrelated Diversification
By: Bharat N. Anand and Samhita Patwardhan Jayanti
Conglomerates lie at the heart of debates in corporate strategy. They include, perhaps, the best known companies in history--Beatrice Corp., General Electric, ITT, Siemens, and ABB--and at various times over the last few decades have been both admired and vilified as a form of corporate organization. Regardless of the time at which these debates have occurred, they invariably focus on a few common questions, which this note addresses: Why do conglomerates exist? Do they add value to their component businesses? If so, how?
Anand, Bharat N., and Samhita Patwardhan Jayanti. "Strategies of Unrelated Diversification." Harvard Business School Background Note 705-480, April 2005.